TULIPS is a game of chance
The game play is just like the card game, “War.” Two opponents are playing against each other, and only one can win. The number of cards are equally distributed amongst players. Each player lays out a card at the same time from their deck without looking, and the player with the highest card takes both cards, slowly draining the other of their resources. This game play goes back and forth, chance governing the fate of both players, until one player has taken everything and the other is left with nothing.
In the card game “War,” value is established numerically and through a royal suite (King, Queen, Jack, Ace.) In TULIPS, there are no numbers or royal families, there are just different colors of flowers. Therefore, the hierarchy of cards must be set at the beginning of each game. This is done with a spinner and a color wheel. A player must spin the wheel and the color that the spinner lands on is the high card. For each game, the high card must be arbitrarily set or reset.
This spring please feel free to come on by, say hello to the tulips, and to join us for a game.